10 December 1998 - 11 December 1998
"First National Symposium on Bitumen" was organized by İstanbul Major Municipality and General Directorate of İSFALT on December 19-20, 1996 in İstanbul and a decision has been taken to organize the symposium every two year. "2nd National Symposium on Bitumen and Exhibition" was organized in Ankara on December 10-11, 1998 by General Directorate of Highways, Turkish Road Association and TRA member Asphalt Contractors Association. Although the Symposium was considered to be National, taking into consideration of the importance and the current interest at the international level, international contributions were provided by:
- Mr. Jacques BONNOT, from LCPC, France, "European Bitumen Specifications"
- Mr. Willem VONK, from SHELL, Holland, "Polimer Modified Bitumen"
- Mr. Alberto MASSENZA, from MASSENZA, Italy "The Applications of Polimer Modified Bitumen in Europe"
And Mr. Engin ARDANUÇ from General Directorate of TÜPRAŞ presented a paper "Bitumen Production Technolology in Turkey". 400 people followed the Symposium with great interest.
14 October 1998 - 16 October 1998
The International Seminar of PIARC G2 Group "Natural Disaster Reduction for Roads in Mediterranean Countries" was organized in İstanbul on October 14-16, 1998. The seminar was realized in İstanbul at Maçka Hotel under the patronage of General Directorate of Highways, organization of which is done by TRA, by 124 participants of which 53 foreign countries and 71 from our country. Turkish participants contributed to the seminar with, at least, a paper in every session, and PIARC authorities declared their appreciations and interests especially for the technical contribution of Turkey to the Seminar.
27 May 1998 - 29 May 1998
Trans European North South Motorway (TEM) Project, which is active within the UN European Economic Commission, TEM FINANCE Meeting, where the financial matter of the member countries were discussed, was organized by Turkish Road Association by the authorization of General Directorate of Highways in İstanbul at KGM's First Regional Division on May 27-29, 1998.
25 March 1998 - 27 March 1998
Trans European North South Motorway (TEM) Project, which is active within the UN European Economic Commission, TEMSTAT Meeting, where the statistical systems of member countries were discussed, was organized by Turkish Road Association, by the authorization of General Directorate of Highways in İstanbul at KGM's First Regional Division on March 25-27, 1998.