25 November 2004 - 26 November 2004

    “4th National  Symposium  on  Bitumen  and  Exhibition”  was  organized  in  Ankara  on November 25-26, 2004 by General Directorate of Highways, Turkish Road Association and TRA member Asphalt Contractors Association.
    Three papers were presented by guest speakers in the Opening Session. Mr. Egbert BEUVING, from EAPA and Mr. Knut SORAAS, from EUROBITUME provided to international contributions. 
    550 people followed the Symposium and Exhibition with great interest.


    26 October 2004 - 28 October 2004

    (April 15-17, 1998, September 20-22, 1999 and October 26-28, 2004)

    The first “Silk Road Rehabilitation Conference” which was organized by International Road Federation (IRF) under the patronage of General Directorate of Highways and Turkish Road Association, was realized in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan on April 15-17, 1998.
    A delegation of 15 from Turkey attended to the Conference and our papers and the contributions were found very interesting by IRF and the other participating countries.
    The second “Silk Road Rehabilitation Conference” was organized by IRF in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on September 20-22, 1999 and Mr. Atalay COŞKUNOĞLU, founder of TRA and the  former  Director  General  of  Highways;  Mr. Ümit  ÖZDEMİR  from  TEKFEN  A.Ş.; Mr. Güner DORA and Mr. Alper AKANSEL from TEMELSU A.Ş. were attended to the Conference.
    Mr. Güner DORA also presented a paper, “Design Standards of Turkish Motorways” at the Conference.
    The third “Silk Road Conference” was also organized by IRF in Xi’an, China on October 26-28, 2004 and Mr. Hicabi ECE, Director  General  of  Highways and Chairman TRA;  Dr. Yücel ERDEM Vice Chairman of TRA; Mr. Vacip MERT Head of the Bridge Department, General Directorate of Highways and Secretary General of TRA; Mr. Mücahit ARMAN Director Division of Planning, General Directorate of Highways were attended to the Conference.
    Mr. Mücahit ARMAN also presented “Country Report” at the Conference.



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