Number Date Publication Name
21 February 2001 XXIst World Road Congress (Kuala Lumpur, October 3-9, 1999), General Report, Road Safety, Intelligent Transport (Turkish Only)
22 June 2001 The Panel Discussions About The Past, The Present, The Future of General Directorate of Highways in Its 50th Anniversary (Turkish Only)
23 January 2002 Basics of Highway Design (Turkish Only) (It Is Worth A 15.00 Turkish Lira And Available In TRA Office For Everyone)
24 July 2002 Environmental Impact Of Existing Pavements (Turkish Only)
00 October 2002 Workshop on Displacement Measurement Data Evaluation and Interpretation for Tunnels (English Only)
25 October 2002 Tunnelling & Underground Space Use - International Conference - İstanbul - TÜRKİYE (English Only)
26 November 2004 4th National Symposium on Bitumen - Proceedings (Turkish Only)
00 August 2007 The History of Turkish Highways (Turkish Only)
00 August 2007 Turkish Highways History by the Memories (Turkish Only)
27 April 2008 1st National Congress on Highways - Proceedings (Turkish Only)
28 June 2008 1st National Congress on Highways - Presentations (Turkish Only)
29 November 2009 5th National Symposium on Bitumen - Proceedings (Turkish Only)
30 October 2011 2nd National Congress on Highways - Proceedings (Turkish Only)
31 January 2012 2nd National Congress on Highways - Presentations (Turkish Only)
32 November 2013 6th National Symposium on Bitumen - Proceedings (Turkish Only)
33 May 2014 1st National Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems for Highways - Proceedings (Turkish Only)
34 November 2014 3rd National Congress on Highways - Proceedings (Turkish Only)
35 March 2015 3rd National Congress on Highways - Presentations (Turkish Only)
36 November 2015 Gebze-Orhangazi-İzmir (Including İzmit Bay Crossing and Connection Roads) Motorway Project Seminar - Presentations (Turkish Only)
37 May 2016 1st National Tunnelling and Underground Space Congress - Proceedings (Turkish Only)


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