Number Date Publication Name
01 December 1991 Geotechnical Problems and Solutions on Motorway Construction in Turkey (1. Technical Conference) (Turkish Only)
02 November 1992 Bridges, Viaducts and Tunnels on Motorways (2. Technical Conference) (Turkish Only)
03 October 1994 Traffic Safety on Highways in Turkey (Problems - Proposals - Actions) (Turkish Only)
04 1995 Roads and Road Transport in Black Sea Countries - Needs and Future Actions Conference - İstanbul – TÜRKİYE (English Only)
05 June 1995 Technical and Economical Studies on Emulsions and Liquid Bitums (Turkish Only)
06 June 1995 Legal Studies and Proposals on Access Controlled Roads (Turkish Only)
07 November 1995 Special Applications in Motorway Construction in Turkey Selected Papers (English Only)
08 December 1995 Roads and Environment (Turkish Only)
09 1995 (Russian-English-Turkish Dictionary) on Technical Terms For Roads (Dictionary)
10 May 1996 Geotechnical Design Handbook For Road Construction (Turkish Only)
11 February 1997 New Financial Models For Highway Investments (Turkish Only)
12 May 1997 Giratory Press Method in the Design of Bituminous Mixtures (Turkish Only)
13 1998 Memories of Vecdi DİKER, Founder of General Directorate of Highways (Turkish Only)
14 September 1998 Remembering Vecdi DİKER (Turkish Only)
15 October 1998 Natural Disaster Reduction for Roads in Mediterranean Countries - International Seminar - İstanbul - TÜRKİYE (English Only)
16 December 1998 2nd National Symposium on Bitumen - Proceedings (Turkish Only)
17 October 1999 Road Safety Principles and Models (Turkish Only)
18 November 2000 3rd National Symposium on Bitumen - Proceedings (Turkish Only)
19 December 2000 Road Accidents: Worldwide a Problem That Can Be Tackled Successfully (Turkish Only)
20 March 2002 “WORKSHOP” On Earthquakes In Turkey 1999 (English Only)


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